Children's Counseling
Children’s Counseling
WEAVE’s Children’s Counseling program offers free individual counseling for children ages 4 and older who have witnessed domestic violence, experienced dating violence and/or sexual assault and abuse. To receive services, the parent applying for children’s counseling must have full legal custody or written consent from the other parent.
In counseling, children may learn how to identify, express and manage feelings, problem solving skills, healthy conflict resolution, safety planning, boundaries, and assertive communication skills. Most importantly, we hope to provide a supportive environment where children learn they are not alone, it was not their fault and feel safe to express themselves and their feelings.
How to Get Help
24-Hour Support & Information Line
Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.
All of WEAVE’s services can be accessed by calling the Support and Information Line. WEAVE’s 24-Hour Support and Information Line offers immediate intervention and support by trained peer counselors. Help is available in over 23 languages.
Call whenever you feel the need to talk, regardless of whether the incident just occurred, or occurred months or even years ago.