Mural Celebration Launches Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Celebrating Art as a Means for Awareness Building and Healing


WEAVE is elated to share that we kicked off Domestic Violence Action Month at our Arden Way WEAVE Thrift location with a ribbon cutting to honor the newly painted mural on the outside of the building. The mural was designed by artist Jaya King and painted by her and phenomenal team. As a part of this project, King and Juliet Rodriguez facilitated community paint days and workshops to engage the community and create a mural of Juliet.  

This has been a labor of love for Jaya and her team, spanning several months and hours to execute this project. King expresses, “This mural is more than just art—it’s a symbol of resilience, strength, and community. Through this public art piece, I hope to inspire others to become more aware of domestic violence and supportive of survivors.”  

WEAVE thanks Jaya and her team, our community, staff, and those who work to further advocate for survivors this and every Domestic Violence Action Month. 

Learn more about this project here.