Get Informed
Get Informed
Domestic Violence. Sexual Assault. Sex Trafficking. More.
WEAVE strives to educate the community, victims, survivors, family and friends about not only the services we provide but why we do the work we do. Below are links to various topics to help educate the community and to help others be a part of the solution that does not tolerate domestic violence and sexual assault.
Request a Presentation
We offer outreach presentations to local schools, teen groups, faith groups, businesses, neighborhood groups, law enforcement, healthcare professionals and any other interested parties in Sacramento County. You may request a presentation by filling out the request form below.
For questions, please contact Madeline Ng at
Prevention & Education
WEAVE is committed to breaking the cycle of violence by educating the community to better understand the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Prevention Activities from WEAVE
Learn about healthy relationships while sheltering at home
With families sheltering at home to stay healthy, WEAVE knows families are looking for ways to talk about healthy relationships and understanding and expressing feelings in healthy ways. We will be sharing activities we use in classroom and presentation settings that talk about emotions, relationships, consent, and more. Activities align with California’s Health Education Framework and offer parents additional resources while supporting their children’s learning.
NEW WEAVE Warrior Episodes:
Safe Night Out
Safe Night Out is one of WEAVE’s Prevention & Education programs that aims to train nightlife staff on how to recognize warning signs of sexual and domestic violence, and how to respond in order to keep establishments safe.
Off to College: Talking about Safety, Consent, and Healthy Relationships
As summer winds down, many of you are sending a child off to college. Whether it is your own child or a youth you care about, your emotions are likely mixed. Sexual assault is part of the college experience for too many youth with 23% of females and 5% of males experiencing sexual assault during their college years.
Folsom Police Department Changes How They Respond to Domestic Violence Calls
Partnership with WEAVE Highlighted
The Folsom Police Department’s commitment to trauma-informed responses to survivors was recently highlighted in an interview with KCRA. The segment included WEAVE CEO discussing WEAVE’s countywide Violence Response Team model that involves Folsom Police Department along with Sacramento Police Department, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office, Elk Grove Police Department, and Citrus Heights Police Department.
Federal Actions- Impact on Survivors & WEAVE
WEAVE was created in response to the absence of resources for victims who were in life threatening situations and our growth has mirrored a commitment to creating safe spaces for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking. The Violence Against Women and Victims of Crime Acts were enacted by Congress decades ago to create a safety net across America to make sure every community had basic funding to serve these fragile victims and their families.
WEAVE Addresses Domestic Violence Homicide
WEAVE CEO, Beth Hassett, spoke with CBS 13 following the recent murder of Nicole Winans. Winans estranged husband has been arrested for her murder. In the segment, Hassett discusses safety planning and the availability of WEAVE and other domestic violence agencies to support those experiencing domestic violence. WEAVE’s 24/7 Support Line is always available to support victims as well as family and friends. The Support Line can be reached at 916-920-2952.
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence does not discriminate against age, gender, sexual orientation, or economic status.
What Do I Do When I Think Someone Is Experiencing Domestic Violence?
Recognize, Respond & Refer
WEAVE encourages our community to take ACTION against domestic violence. This includes when you suspect a friend, family member or co-worker is experiencing domestic violence.
Sexual Assault
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.
Was I Sexually Assaulted / Raped?
Sexual assault is not only rape; it is also any unwanted sexual activity. Even if you have said “yes” to sex with the person before, or you are in a relationship, no one has the right to have sex with you or pressure you into doing things you do not want to do. Any time you do not say “yes” to a sex act, it is sexual assault.
Sexual Assault FAQs
Sexual Assault survivors may have lots of questions. Here are a few of some of the most common questions we receive.
Sex Trafficking
Local Resources, Fact, Warning Signs and Help
If you or someone you know needs help, we are here.
A healthy relationship does not include one partner requiring the other to have sex with others. If you, or a friend, want more information, there is a website with information just for you. Go to
There is No Such Thing as a Child Prostitute
Minors engaged in commercial sex are victims of sex trafficking and child sexual abuse. Any effort to minimize their experience or shift responsibility to the child is wrong and intolerable.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Others (LGBTQ+)
Facts about LGBTQ+ Domestic Violence
- Nearly 1 in 3 lesbian women and 1 in 2 bisexual women experience at least one form of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
LGBTQ+ Intimate Partner Violence
No matter the gender of either party in a relationship, many dynamics of abuse are the same. An abusive relationship is fueled by the desire of the abuser to have power and control over their partner. The abuser uses different types of abuse, including: physical, sexual, emotional, financial, and spiritual.
LGBTQ+ Sexual Assault
There are many myths and stereotypes about sexual assault. But when you add in myths and prejudices about the LGBTQ+, a survivor faces even more misconceptions.
Stories of Survival
It takes courage, strength, and readiness to ask for help. Learn a little from a few of ours clients and their stories of survival.
The Story of Tucker
Did you know that more than half of school-age children staying in domestic violence shelters—like WEAVE’s Safehouse—show clinical levels of anxiety or posttraumatic stress disorder?
Without treatment, these children are at risk for suicide, school drop-out, and repeating the cycle of violence.
Victim to Survivor to Certified Advocate!
I was a victim of domestic violence for almost 20 years. I finally left for good the third time. I am back in school to be a teacher and went through my local 70 hour training to be certified as an advocate.
Break the Cycle
WEAVE gave me resources, but most importantly WEAVE gave me the confidence and the knowledge. I had a chance to break the cycle.