What Do I Do When I Think Someone Is Experiencing Domestic Violence?
Recognize, Respond & Refer
WEAVE encourages our community to take ACTION against domestic violence. This includes when you suspect a friend, family member or co-worker is experiencing domestic violence.
Indicators of domestic violence are not always obvious. While bruises and injuries may be evident, changes in behavior are also common. A co-worker may begin missing work or arriving late or receiving excessive calls or texts from the abuser. Friends or family members may stop attending functions or insist on leaving early. While some victims will indicate they need to be with the abuser, others will withdraw.
When you suspect domestic violence, three steps can make a difference - recognize, respond & refer.
When you RECOGNIZE possible warning signs of abuse, it is okay to RESPOND. Let the person know you are concerned and you are a trusted and safe person if they need to talk. You can REFER the person to WEAVE for more information. WEAVE can provide discreet cards that have warning signs of an abusive relationship and how to access support through safety planning, services & counseling, and safe shelter.
WEAVE also offers resources for family, friends, and co-workers who are worried about someone in an abusive relationship. WEAVE also offers a program for employers. Our trained staff can provide education for employees, supervisors, human resources professionals as well as serve as an additional referral source beyond the company’s EAP program.