For Teens
Teen Dating Violence
What is teen dating violence?
It is violence or the threat of violence in a dating relationship. This violence can be sexual, physical, verbal or emotional, or a combination of these.
What does teen dating violence look like?
- Checking your cell phone or social networking account (such as facebook, myspace, etc.) without permission
- Constant put-downs/name-calling
- Extreme jealousy or insecurity
- Explosive temper
- Financial control
- Isolating you from family or friends
- Mood swings
- Physically hurting you in any way
- Controlling you
- Telling you what to do
Check out this helpful fact sheet: Teens, Technology & Social Media – Tips for Good Boundaries & Staying Safe.
Not sure if your relationship is healthy? Check out these helpful resources from Break the Cycle, including Types of Abuse and the Power and Control wheel.
What to do if you think you are experiencing teen dating violence:
Reach out. Call WEAVE’s 24-hour Support and Information Line 916.920.2952 and call 911 if you are in immediate danger.
Talk to Someone:
Group and individual counseling covers topics such as healthy relationships, abusive relationships, the impact of media messages on teens, and learning assertive communication. For teens 14 and older parent permission is not required, but preferred.
How can YOU help survivors at WEAVE?
Ways to Support Youth Programs & Survivors
Do you have a senior project coming up? Do you need community service hours? Do you want to find a way to help your community? Are you in a club that needs a project to work on?
WEAVE’s mission is to promote safe and healthy relationships and support survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and sex trafficking. Domestic and sexual violence affects so many in our community. If you haven’t experienced it personally, you may know of someone who has—a friend, a family member, a neighbor. Have you ever thought to yourself-what can I do to help?
Healthy Dating
Talk About Healthy Relationships
Healthy Relationships:
- Boyfriends and girlfriends respect partner’s desires to socialize with friends of any gender.
- Partners respect differences of opinion.
- Texts, calls, and social media interactions are opportunities to laugh and get to know each other.
- How partners communicate is based on respect and caring.
- The boundaries of each partner are respected by the other.
Teen Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault is not only rape; it is ANY type of unwanted sexual contact. Everyone has the right to decide what they do or don’t want to do sexually. Not all sexual assaults are violent “attacks”. Forcing or pressuring someone to do something they don’t want to do or don’t consent to is sexual assault.
Additional Resources for Teens
There are many resources for teens seeking help with a domestic violence or sexual assault / harassment situation. The following list will help you find the right resource for the issues you are facing, whatever they may be.
Short film about TDV made by students
The realities and awareness of teen dating violence are voiced in this video short created and produced by youth members of Students Reaching Out – an afterschool program operated by People Reaching Out at Valley High School, Sacramento, CA.
Teen Dating Violence for Parents
Information and Statistics
Recognizing abuse in a relationship is difficult, but especially for teens. There are many types of abuse that teens often believe are normal in a relationship. Even though teen relationships may be different from adult relationships in many ways, teens do experience the same types of physical, sexual, verbal and emotional abuse that adults do.
How to Talk with Your Teen About Dating & Sexual Assault
Date Safe Project
This is a great article from the Date Safe Project on How to Talk with Your Teen. Check it out!
The greatest way a parent can talk with their child about sexual assault is to first know that you – the parent – cannot 100% prevent it from happening to those you love. You CAN share skills and options with your children that can be life-saving. You CAN give them specific “how to” lesson for dating, parties, and healthy relationships. You can teach your child about asking first, respecting boundaries, and letting them know you will ALWAYS be there if anything happens.
Tips for Parents of Tweens & Teens
Facts about Teen Dating Violence & Tips for Talking About It
Relationships are tough. At any age.
Friendships can be confusing and dating can be downright scary – for youth and parents.
Talking with your kids about healthy relationships is important but not always easy.
Here are some facts and starting points for conversations.