Living Proof
I am a 30 year old mother of 4 handsome boys. I was in a physically and emotionally abusive relationship for 1.5 years. Once I made up my mind to leave that situation I felt empowered and confused. I didn’t know where to go or how to get things on the right track. I made some calls and was then referred to contact the WEAVE support and information line.
I didn’t know it then, but that was the start of the rest of my life. Once I got into the Safehouse I began to feel safe. I never knew that there were people and agencies designed to help victims rebuild their lives. The Safehouse provided me with a safe place to rest and gather my thoughts. They also provide support groups to help women educate themselves so that they can make better decisions to have healthier relationships. By attending the support groups and getting counseling I am more aware of the warning signs. I understand that what happened to me was not my fault and I never deserved to have those things happen to me.
A case manager was also assigned to me. My case manager was very instrumental to my progress. She helped me to map out a plan of action weekly with objectives. She reminded me that everything can’t be done at once, but with small steps everyday you can reach your goals. When I felt worn out and discouraged she pointed out all of the accomplishments that I had already made. By sticking to my personalized plan I was able to meet all of my goals. I found housing for me and my kids and was able to get stable income.
I know in my heart that none of this would have happened if it was not for WEAVE and the Safehouse. Without them I would more than likely still be in an abusive relationship or maybe worse…dead. I am living proof that this program works.