Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence
You are not alone.
There are many survivors who have experienced similar abuse and there is help for you.
You deserve respect.
WEAVE respects your needs and will help you find the services and resources that fit those needs.
You have choices.
WEAVE’s certified counselors will help you understand what has happened and identify resources that may be useful. WEAVE will not force you to leave your partner if that is not the right decision for you.
How to Get Help
24-Hour Support & Information Line
Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.
All of WEAVE’s services can be accessed by calling the Support and Information Line. WEAVE’s 24-Hour Support and Information Line offers immediate intervention and support by trained peer counselors. Help is available in over 23 languages.
Call whenever you feel the need to talk, regardless of whether the incident just occurred, or occurred months or even years ago.