Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking Services
WEAVE functions as a vital link in the regional collaboration to assist adult and youth victims of commercial sexual exploitation. WEAVE provides crisis intervention, emergency response, counseling, residential and resource referral services.
Services include:
- Emergency response services are available for victims who have been sexually assaulted and are undergoing an evidentiary exam.
- Crisis intervention and 8 free counseling sessions are available for victims and their significant others. Additional sessions may be available if eligible for Victim Compensation Benefits.
WEAVE offers psycho educational group sessions for at risk and exploited girls in the Youth Detention Facility. Class topics include safety, gender socialization, teen dating violence, sexual exploitation and personal empowerment.
If you know of or have concern for any child being sexually exploited, please call 916-875-KIDS(5437).
How to Get Help
24-Hour Support & Information Line
Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.
All of WEAVE’s services can be accessed by calling the Support and Information Line. WEAVE’s 24-Hour Support and Information Line offers immediate intervention and support by trained peer counselors. Help is available in over 23 languages.
Call whenever you feel the need to talk, regardless of whether the incident just occurred, or occurred months or even years ago.