Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault
We believe you.
WEAVE is Sacramento County’s Rape Crisis Center
WEAVE is Sacramento County’s sole Rape Crisis Center. Our services exist to support survivors of sexual assault – and family and friends impacted by the assault. WEAVE offers 24/7 support and free counseling to any survivor of sexual assault, regardless of when the assault occurred.
After a sexual assault, effects may persist for months and years. For this reason, crisis intervention and follow-up counseling are essential to every sexual assault survivor’s healing process.
What happened was not your fault.
Sexual assault is never a victim’s fault, regardless of what you were wearing, if you had said yes before, if you know the perpetrator(s) or if drugs or alcohol were involved.
We believe you.
WEAVE Advocates are available to you on the 24-hour Support and Information Line, 916-920-2952, for support and resources.
It is important to get medical attention.
Whether or not you report the assault to law enforcement, it is important to get checked out medically for any injuries, pregnancy, or sexually transmitted diseases.
It is your decision whether or not to report.
Call WEAVE’s 24-hour Support and Information Line, 916-920-2952, if you would like more information about reporting. Call 911 (or ask a friend to call) to report your sexual assault to police. Whether you decide to report of not, WEAVE is here for help and support.